JUDGES, Barack H. Obama, 8-years, numbers completion...

Aloha means Hello and it can mean goodbye in Hawaii , the 50th State of Our Union of States, U.S.A.and the 1961 Birthplace of future President Barack H. Obama Let it be known that I ask Father GOD for his continued protection of me and mine concerns, known and unknown. I ask in the mighty name of JESUS. I thought of my dad; Rest in Continued Peace, and was the first to tell my mom; Rest In Continued Peace, on the first Tuesday In November 2008 that the United S tates has a Black President, she was excited and I could tell, as I was excited also. My Mother also told me not to get to caught up in it, as Race relations and things have changed since her time as a younger person (1930's,40's,50's) but watch what you say and who you say it to, things haven't changed for everybody. JOSHUA chapter 24 verse 23 Now therefore put away, said he, the strange gods which are among you, and incline your heart unto the LORD God of Israel. In the Book of JUDGES chapter 4:...