A FATHER'S SON NUMBER 1 1950's 1960's ish The I want you to do better than me Generation, the parents who gave their all for their children to succeed, A raisin in the sun the culmination of generations of life and death and negotiations with so called supremacy. Making Amendments to their Constitution for life, now knowing that, that man will kill and not being afraid to die they would live so you could live so I could live so my son could live but not to be fodder for foolishness and the Man Dingo, but by any means be necessary call it a yellow canary in a coal mine but that Black body blows your mind in the field in the house but you can't see me, my gorilla is in the mist, animals strike curious poses but who is zooming who. Greatly did I come around the mountain when I came and here I am, with skin in the game. See me shuck and Jive see my generations alive see me see them again, High in the sky and I played the game so we...