Serendipity DEW-DAH, doo da

Born in a Manger Merry Christmas in the new millennium, everyone take a dip into the pool and you can take a Horse to the water but you cannot make him drink. The greatest story ever told is one of love, is one that is too quickly related to the death of the Christ. Should your unbelief make mine belief untrue, Heaven forbid, let my living on earth be in vain and JESUS Christ be true. Everybody into the pool, not to be dipped into the Jordan river 7 times, to be Holy and cleansed, the Jordan river which can still be found today and still flows. II Kings 5:v14 Then went he down, and dipped himself seven times in Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God: and his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean. Serendipity is defined as chance happening in a happy way, RU Knot Entertained! Drink of my Living Waters of Praise. Oh Come all Ye Faithful, Joyful (ON PURPOSE) And Triumphant, Come to Bethlehem To Adore the New Born KING Baby JESUS CHR...