Give Me The Bridge

Take me there to the Bridge, A bridge too far, A bridge to nowhere, A bridge over and water under the bridge. Love is the living water And this is Love, A bridge to the Island of Patmos, for a Revelation of Love. And this is Love, a bridge to the good book, an elevated road to the II Epistle of John. And Saint John a different bridge on the same road to Salvation and Apostle John, with ears to hear and a tongue to speak on the bridge from Father God, from Lord Jesus the Son, and the Comforter a bridge of love. A one way bridge to the Everlasting, and you can't get back to here from there, but from here let Love get you there. I have a dream is a bridge, get to the promise land is a bridge, take me to the water is a bridge. Take you to the bridge is an Adam and Eve bridge and the Revelation of a seed, now that's love, on a bridge to knowledge with a drumline beat. Go Go.