
Give Me The Bridge

Take me there to the Bridge, A bridge too far, A bridge to nowhere, A bridge over and water under the bridge. Love is the living water And this is Love, A bridge to the Island of Patmos, for a Revelation of Love. And this is Love, a bridge to the good book, an elevated road to the II Epistle of John.  And Saint John a different bridge on the same road to Salvation and Apostle John, with ears to hear and a tongue to speak on the bridge from Father God, from Lord Jesus the Son, and the Comforter a bridge of love. A one way bridge to the Everlasting, and you can't get back to here from there, but from here let Love get you there. I have a dream is a bridge, get to the promise land is a bridge, take me to the water is a bridge. Take you to the bridge is an Adam and Eve bridge and the Revelation of a seed, now that's love, on a bridge to knowledge with a drumline beat. Go Go.

Too Cold To Handle

Fear and confusion are illusions made real by pride and the hard heart. Thank you LORD JESUS CHRIST FOR THESE WORDS WILL SAVE SOMEONE somewhere. To the chosen by God, to be saved by Jesus, Don't get frozen in the cold, cold world. I saw a dog loose and running in and out of the street near my home, it was a small dog and the car in front of me was blowing the horn to move the dog out of the way, when I saw it my wife said stop the car and got out to save the dog, but the dog would not come to the safety and beckoning voice, it ran away as if to get into moving traffic and we had to leave, and it out 28 degrees outside. I saw the dog again a day later frozen dead on the side of the road and was saddened as if I did not do enough but he looked like he was just out and about not stray. Not stray like a person chosen by the LORD But who refuses to come out of the cold using there own instincts but the Devil is a liar and outside of the LORDS warmth it can get too cold to handl...



Notre-Dame de Paris Church built AD1163-AD1345 and a great present day tourist destination From the Bible, Burning heart, yearns to learn, a Truth only given to those who Pray to know the Truth, no matter which version you choose to read. The evil of the days after the death of the Innocent man, the perfect man, the Prophet man who stated he was the son of GOD. And having escaped death, not being found within the guarded tomb has confounded the wicked. He was dead now there be told he is living, as he said he would, he has rebuilt the church he tore down in 3-days. We preach The Risen Savior, We preach to the wicked, We preach to the naked, being naked by forsaking GOD, naked by denying the truth, naked to the Evil one and his band of deceivers, fake non-believers, the manipulator of knowledge - Oh surly you won't die by the knowledge of good and evil. Knowledge is given by the almighty Creator of all things, that man in his arrogance would teach man- by making the Word o...


Flipping the script like Yavonovitch I go Secular with a Holy message but it came to me this way, to flip the Bible script my way, given to me. Remember what I told you to forget, a Word for the sleepers in Christ Jesus, you who don't know who you are, or who you are with. Call it a Non disclosure agreement but this one is made in the Blood of Jesus, Not only couldn't you tell it, but you didn't know you knew it. But when called, you hear the voice of the Lord as a Commandme nt from your Father, even you who are rebellious. You who are so grown, the Spirit of The Lord brings you to your knees in a desperate prayer, saying I don't know how to Pray. Now Remember what I told you to forget, Remember the Devil is a liar, Satan's truth to power cannot take you away from the power of Jesus. In the Bible you will find me in the book of Matthew Chapter 16v23 The Rock is human, The Rock is Peter, build the Church on the truth. Now Remember what I told you to f...


The Sea Of Galilee  Cast iron , when compared to wrought iron or steel is very brittle, comparatively hard and non-malleable. It can't be bent, stretched or hammered into shape, its weak tensile strength means that it will fracture before it bends or distort. A certain man took careful time to direct me to a truth I had not previously known, It happened within a casual conversation that men would have around various free flowing topics. The knowledge presented itself as Iron, we spoke of Apostle Peter, the disciple of JESUS and the appearance of the Spirit of JESUS after Resurrection Day. Peter and other disciples, including the one we know as doubting Thomas (Didymus) would go fishing all night, only to catch no fish. In the morning after, Peter did see JESUS on shore and we know the story of casting the fish net and the plenty fish that was caught, or at least I thought I knew. My heart stayed open, and the certain man would feed me knowledge of JESUS. I had begun to lis...

Certain Man

Book EM! Dano! Mama! There Goes That ( Certain ) Man (Peace Minister Mark Jackson) LORD knows I want to keep it in my heart, almost bury it as my 1 talent. A friend tells me to write a book, but LORD I'm a Quest for Fire, now only quenched by living water, No.. waters of PRAISE. Hallelujah! Mighty Father, Wonderful Counselor (YES) Friend when I am Lonely (YES) and a POWER and EMPOWERING MAN, GOD WHO CHOOSES TO BE GOD to all, everyone and even ME! The Book written from me will come out in its time, as will the myriad of Dreams and Visions I am Blessed with. But don't Sleep, this little light of mine is shinning here on Facebook and throughout the social media stratosphere. Imagine that your perception of me is limited by your perception of me. IN supposition, if you can only see just past the tip of your nose, you will not perceive all of me. The LORD has affixed the eyes to see this writing by whom he directs, and there are minds eyes from around the World. Some wil...