Flipping the script like Yavonovitch I go Secular with a Holy message but it came to me this way, to flip the Bible script my way, given to me.
Remember what I told you to forget, a Word for the sleepers in Christ Jesus, you who don't know who you are, or who you are with.
Call it a Non disclosure agreement but this one is made in the Blood of Jesus, Not only couldn't you tell it, but you didn't know you knew it. But when called, you hear the voice of the Lord as a Commandment from your Father, even you who are rebellious.
You who are so grown, the Spirit of The Lord brings you to your knees in a desperate prayer, saying I don't know how to Pray.

Now Remember what I told you to forget, Remember the Devil is a liar, Satan's truth to power cannot take you away from the power of Jesus.

In the Bible you will find me in the book of Matthew Chapter 16v23 The Rock is human, The Rock is Peter, build the Church on the truth.
Now Remember what I told you to forget, Jesus said I must be Crucified, that the Comforter will come.

Jesus says, He is Coming Back to collect those by the deeds of their works, now hearing get thee to work.
Peace to you and unto yours, and be Blessed.


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