World War II, A Segregated Army

World War II on the left Lieutenant Vasco de Gama Hale w/Major Thomas Simpson

Black History Month 2018 

War is hell, yet the hell hatred for skin color would stand over blood, which ran in the battlefield like streams. Many individual white men would save the life of black men, many black men would save the life of white men. The evil principality in high places would have history tell only of segregation in war, which is insane and ended by law in 1948. My Dad did Bleed for this country, if I seem peculiar to you, it is because I am.

My Dad, John Gary Dewberry Sr. Was inducted into the United States Of America Army August,1943 from Fort Bragg North Carolina. That was World War II and a segregated Army. The enemy forces overseas would tease the black soldier, why you fight to be 2nd class citizens.

I am made aware of Truth by the blood that runs through my heart. If my dad had to fight 2 enemies to live, let it be so I could write something on Facebook and Google, for the world to see, 1 blood, by the blood of my dad, a Buffalo Soldier, his blood, and also the white men, who on the day you all arrived back in the United States were demanding that American Buffalo soldier Dewberry, the only black man of the group of 5 American soldiers; together for the last time, wanted him to hang out with them, to celebrate eat and drink.

The first bar they went in refused to serve the colored man and my dad said men it's alright, you guys are all right with me, but before he could finish talking the men said Dewberry! sit right here don't touch anyone, don't leave and they broke up the whole bar and everyone in there who opposed. They came over to my dad and said nobody nowhere is gonna disrespect you, we gonna see to that. They had a beer and said this joint ain't good enough for us and tore up every bar in the area, that wouldn't serve him and my Dad didn't have 1 fight. 

The white soldiers where laughing and having fun, a bunch of good guys that my dad actually stayed in contact with the majority of his life, living until January 5th 1980 (66-years old)

92nd Infantry in WWII Europe, Buffalo Soldiers great legacy of fighting for America, their Country

So now you know how the G I bill got passed dig it! 

Peace to the Soldiers, may they continually Rest In Peace. 
Thank you Lord for my dad, absent of the body, Present with you.


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