He was dressed immaculately from head to toe, this elder Black man in a charcoal color grey pinstripe 3-piece suit, he had style. We greeted each other with a quiet mutual respect, as we both were in the waiting room awaiting our business at hand; you can clearly see the measure of a man in the quiet of a waiting room, I was there to wait for love for duty and for Spirituality. Meditation comes easy in a quiet place and I began to meditate, falling into thought waves of life and death. I began a prayer request for strength to face the test I knew was coming and it came from a voice out of the ceiling, would the Creator of Life in Heaven be able to count on me here on earth, said the voice. I am a friend of God is a cute song but would I come through for this friend when I am needed the most. I am drifting off in the most peaceful state I have ever felt, my eyes were closed and then I heard the man in the 3-piece suit speak, he asked me in a gentle voice why was I in the waiting ro...