He was dressed immaculately from head to toe, this elder Black man in a charcoal color grey pinstripe 3-piece suit, he had style. We greeted each other with a quiet mutual respect, as we both were in the waiting room awaiting our business at hand; you can clearly see the measure of a man in the quiet of a waiting room, I was there to wait for love for duty and for Spirituality.

Meditation comes easy in a quiet place and I began to meditate, falling into thought waves of life and death. I began a prayer request for strength to face the test I knew was coming and it came from a voice out of the ceiling, would the Creator of Life in Heaven be able to count on me here on earth, said the voice. I am a friend of God is a cute song but would I come through for this friend when I am needed the most. I am drifting off in the most peaceful state I have ever felt, my eyes were closed and then I heard the man in the 3-piece suit speak, he asked me in a gentle voice why was I in the waiting room, and I said  thoughts of life and death, then a voice cried out again saying, could the Creator of life count on me here on earth.

The gentleman then offered me prayer through a spiritual Hymn called "Give Me Jesus" He sang in a beautiful baritone the chorus; give me Jesus, give me Jesus, you can have all the things of this world, give me Jesus. What do you do in the waiting room? you wait, and this man ask me if I have waited a long time, to which I stated no. I then said the greeter was excellent and helpful, I further explained that I was in meditation to get the strength for what I must do next, he stated that he understood and  he had recently been in this waiting room and was called back to wait again.

I then noticed his eyes were seemingly grey, as was his perfectly groomed full beard connected to sideburns, framed by Goatee, he made direct eye contact then stated he was waiting to get a certificate notarized. This did strike me funny, why come to a waiting room to see a Notary, and he seemingly noting my awareness stated, this waiting room was the closest notary. I stated that I am interested in becoming a Notary and that maybe he would be interested in becoming certified as a Notary also, but I could tell that this man was about business and was intent on helping me to take on my task. I began to wonder was this man here to uplift me, to assure me that my task and his task were the same task, which is to wait on the Lord. There were a few more moments of silence then I stated, I believe I see one of the officials, I will see them and alert them that you are also here waiting.

The officials told me they were aware of the man, they greeted him by name calling him Mr. Angel, they walked out the door together and I was asked on the spot, what do I expect. I am waiting in meditation for answers to the questions of life and death, then the Negro Spiritual "Give me Jesus" rang out of the ceiling, once again in a beautiful baritone that was joined by an equally brilliant female voice in perfect harmony, high intonation to low, I realized being true to Mr. Angel was indeed being true to an Angel unaware. In the company of an Angel, unaware, I was prepared for this moment by my Mom and my Dad through Sunday School, through youth Bible study and the fellowship of Church, respectfully getting to know the leader of the Church and getting Baptized by water, that presented myself worthy in the shadow of death, to be Baptized by Fire.

If you look at life and death on earth as being in the waiting room, time is only relevant to the time maker and what we see as time are the days and nights given to us as a gift, while in the waiting room. Being Baptized by the Fire of Jesus Christ will allow you to see the different visitor's put along your life path, your job is to notarize their Baptism by water. The man I met in the waiting room quietly worked his way into conversation and helped me in my time of need, becoming my spiritual friend.

Mr. Angel offered me the love that is, love thy God with all thy heart and love thy neighbor, as you love thyself.  I accept, I submit, the LORD WORKS in mysterious ways, his wonders never cease.
The waiting room awaits your arrival and may a man be there to get something notarized, let your eyes meet and the truth be in your heart to sing "Give Me Jesus".
Oh LORD, I pray these words edify the Holy Spirit.

Holy Bible Book of MARK Chapter 1: v17 And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.

Amen, enlighten the reader who sees, then hears.

Holy Bible Book of JOHN Chapter 3: v36  He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.


  1. For those who read my first draft, I give thanks for your understanding that leads me in edited revision, Thank you


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