Two stars on Mycybermap mycybermap.com It was late in September, (Temptations style) the day I'll always remember. Do you remember September, (Earth, Wind & Fire) my Sermon title was, Just a touch of love and I did preach that, I even sang Pass Me Not,.Oh Gentle Savior. I was prepared and rehearsed To Preach out of Mark Chapter 8, focused on the Blind Man receiving sight, but it was my eyes that got blurry, my nose ran and I had to walk by Faith. I now call it the gift of gab, like King David in Psalm 34, I will bless the LORD at all times; his praise shall continually flow from my mouth, and then the Holy Spirit rushed in, I was overwhelmed but He held me and said preach to M e. I said LORD, let me turn away to blow my nose and He said trust me, if you turn from me now, you will turn from me again. I said no I won't turn, but He showed me that I would, and so I did not turn , I dabbed at my nose, and let the praise flow from my mouth. There was a blessing in that...