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It was late in September, (Temptations style) the day I'll always remember. Do you remember September, (Earth, Wind & Fire) my Sermon title was, Just a touch of love and I did preach that, I even sang Pass Me Not,.Oh Gentle Savior.
I was prepared and rehearsed To Preach out of Mark Chapter 8, focused on the Blind Man receiving sight, but it was my eyes that got blurry, my nose ran and I had to walk by Faith. I now call it the gift of gab, like King David in Psalm 34, I will bless the LORD at all times; his praise shall continually flow from my mouth, and then the Holy Spirit rushed in, I was overwhelmed but He held me and said preach to Me. I said LORD, let me turn away to blow my nose and He said trust me, if you turn from me now, you will turn from me again. I said no I won't turn, but He showed me that I would, and so I did not turn, I dabbed at my nose, and let the praise flow from my mouth. There was a blessing in that lesson, I heard the Holy Spirit say, be about My business, or don't preach, be about Me now and I will attend to your vanity later.
Thank you LORD, I said all the while preaching my Sermon; now knowing I was in the Spirit, it was my very first time and not practice, it was on the Sunday Sabbath day. Looking back, I thank my Pastor for throwing me into my own praise water, I believed I could swim, I spoke a sonic tonic, from the inside out, to effect the outside in, baking any who were faking, inside a Smokey furnace of truth. Living Waters of Praise is that, which purifies, on earth, being a body, that is shaken to Repent, speaking truth unto true truths.
To the reader, read. To the scanner, don't scan and walk away shaken with half truths, but be truthful to yourself. The Prophet who walked on this earth, JESUS Ascends, Pentecost day, to sit on the right hand of GOD. From Mother's Day we walk on dry land across the depth of an Ocean, Our own Red Sea, until we reach Father's Day
To sum it up I was into my critiques of my Sermon, thinking that maybe it would be best for me to Praise from the Pew, when I was reminded of the most important thing, I was reminded to take note, that the Holy Spirit rushed in, and to the Glory of the LORD, I did Praise His Holy Mighty and Magnificent name, Jesus Christ. Give thanks that the Holy Spirit was there with those gathered in the midst and then the LORD showed me that he carried me through the sand, chastising me to always listen to His voice, and now knowing, never let go. I remember after the service I went to dinner with my Wife and Sister, and we ate and laughed and had a great time together, my Wife said I had courage, my Sister said I did good and our Mother, Resting in Eternal Peace, would have been proud.
I thought of my earthly Father, who I am named after, and it came to my mind that he would have said, boy I know you love your Mother, and you have respect, but you had to be shown the POWER of the WORD, and THE LOVE, MERCY and GRACE of the Father GOD, you were made humble that you would always serve HIM, WHEN In THE TALL COTTON. I will cherish the day forever.
I Praised the LORD and he carried me through. I know it's not about me! It's about JESUS, IF I DIDN'T KNOW THEN I SURELY KNOW NOW.
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