The origin of Black Gospel music is found in the drums of the tribes of Africa. There are different presentations of Gospel music and there are different Religious denominations, but one GOD.
The African in America influences every walk of life; even denied the truth of their own history, and create a new Black culture. We must remember; as part of tradition, the shock and awe of the church, as the African Black American culture effected worship, worship service and Gospel music. Once again; as if times never changed, the African American is back inside the one ship of State, which began as a nightmare odyssey called the Middle Passage to slavery. Black Africans were captured and transported enslaved on slave ships, travel on these slave ships make-up The Middle Passage .
What I write about within a paragraph actually total more than 400 years; from the 15th century (approximately 1400) into the 19th century, (approximately 1875) with slave ships going to destinations in South America, The Caribbean islands and in North America. The concept of this slavery is an evil wind; thought to be justified, when called White supremacy. Slavery was brutally sustained by offering no human rights or dignity, and no escape from a biblical like system of oppression.
African men and women; who sang in different Homelands in Africa, now would sing together in America. The songs sung in bondage, became the Sojourner Truth , and have an evangelical nature. These chants and songs; known as Negro spirituals, are the backbone of the hymns sung during today’s worship services, of every religious denomination.
What I write about within a paragraph actually total more than 400 years; from the 15th century (approximately 1400) into the 19th century, (approximately 1875) with slave ships going to destinations in South America, The Caribbean islands and in North America. The concept of this slavery is an evil wind; thought to be justified, when called White supremacy. Slavery was brutally sustained by offering no human rights or dignity, and no escape from a biblical like system of oppression.
African men and women; who sang in different Homelands in Africa, now would sing together in America. The songs sung in bondage, became the Sojourner Truth , and have an evangelical nature. These chants and songs; known as Negro spirituals, are the backbone of the hymns sung during today’s worship services, of every religious denomination.
Black Church river Baptismal in the year 1900 - New Bern N.Carolina.
The underground railroad led to freedom from slavery, delivering African traditions to America, which will change America and the world, economically, domestically and spiritually. The underground railroad; made famous by Harriett Tubman , delivered the soul of the new Black culture. The underground railroad worked through private homes and stores to hide escaping slaves, moving them from the Southern slave States into the Northern States and Canada, by the likes of the Toronto Underground Railroad .
People worked together as conductors on the underground railroad to free slaves, by faith, and helped them escape from the plantations of the Southern slave States and their owners.
There were many great men, women and families of White people who put their lives in jeopardy to help enslaved Africans gain freedom. We; the descendants of these African tribes, are the living testimony to slavery and living links to the blood of the ancestors, as descendants, we've gained an inheritance of nightmares instead of dreams.
GOD is our relief, as we sing His Praises handed down to our parents. Slavery in North America was not the helping hand-up out of debt offered to an indentured servant ,who could work to become free. America's slavery is imposed with an evil purposed, and intentional mindset.
The world knows the sounds that rise from a predominantly African American church, from organ to singing and preaching, encouraging one another through praise to GOD.
There's a struggle to get more church participation of young and old, new generations of Black Culture are not handed down traditions of the ancestors. The struggle to achieve bigger church participation is going away, due to the continued hardness of the world and renewed perceptions of a racial inequality.
The Elders of the church will rightly lead you to lean on traditions and singing hymns, (Negro Spirituals) which are a necessary bridge to the ancestors. Young people and families are coming back into the church and they're coming back with new ideas for Gospel songs.
To represent THE GOSPEL MUSIC according to NEW BLACK CULTURE I invite you to hear a non-traditional praise song from Gospel singer/songwriter Howard Anderson Jr. titled
"He Is The One".
The underground railroad led to freedom from slavery, delivering African traditions to America, which will change America and the world, economically, domestically and spiritually. The underground railroad; made famous by Harriett Tubman , delivered the soul of the new Black culture. The underground railroad worked through private homes and stores to hide escaping slaves, moving them from the Southern slave States into the Northern States and Canada, by the likes of the Toronto Underground Railroad .
People worked together as conductors on the underground railroad to free slaves, by faith, and helped them escape from the plantations of the Southern slave States and their owners.
There were many great men, women and families of White people who put their lives in jeopardy to help enslaved Africans gain freedom. We; the descendants of these African tribes, are the living testimony to slavery and living links to the blood of the ancestors, as descendants, we've gained an inheritance of nightmares instead of dreams.
GOD is our relief, as we sing His Praises handed down to our parents. Slavery in North America was not the helping hand-up out of debt offered to an indentured servant ,who could work to become free. America's slavery is imposed with an evil purposed, and intentional mindset.
The civil rights anthem will forever be the Negro Spiritual called We Shall Overcome ,with its truths from the heart to help a Race divided against itself, fight for civil rights. Traditional Gospel music comes from the heart to uplift the spirit and usher in the praises of GOD.
The world knows the sounds that rise from a predominantly African American church, from organ to singing and preaching, encouraging one another through praise to GOD.
There's a struggle to get more church participation of young and old, new generations of Black Culture are not handed down traditions of the ancestors. The struggle to achieve bigger church participation is going away, due to the continued hardness of the world and renewed perceptions of a racial inequality.
The Elders of the church will rightly lead you to lean on traditions and singing hymns, (Negro Spirituals) which are a necessary bridge to the ancestors. Young people and families are coming back into the church and they're coming back with new ideas for Gospel songs.
To represent THE GOSPEL MUSIC according to NEW BLACK CULTURE I invite you to hear a non-traditional praise song from Gospel singer/songwriter Howard Anderson Jr. titled
"He Is The One".
The youth are necessary to carry forth the bridge connecting our past African traditions to the future. The church is a hospital for the soul to always present the truth and the light of GOD, which is our only escape from the evils of the world. The music can be flexible, if the lyrics are of the teachings of Christ, let's hear creative sounds as talents given by GOD.
The LORD knows His Praise, "We Shall Overcome"
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