Pictured from outer-space is the Red Sea

Cast iron, when compared to wrought iron or steel is very brittle, comparatively hard and non-malleable. It can't be bent, stretched or hammered into shape,
its weak tensile strength means that it will fracture before it bends or distort.
A certain man took careful time to direct me to a truth I had not previously
known, It happened within a casual conversation that men would have around various free flowing topics. The knowledge presented itself as Iron, we spoke of Apostle Peter, the disciple of JESUS and the appearance of the Spirit of JESUS
after Resurrection Day. Peter and other disciples, including the one we know as doubting Thomas (Didymus) would go fishing all night, only to catch no fish.

In the morning after, Peter did see JESUS on shore and we know the story of
casting the fish net and the plenty fish that was caught, or at least I thought I
knew. My heart stayed open, and the certain man would feed me knowledge of JESUS. I had begun to listen like, I will be polite but man I know this story.
I Thank GOD, the old me gave way at baptism to this new me, who enjoyed
sharing the good news but I had no concept of mutual edification, just a let
me show you what I know attitude. But before I could come up with something I knew about the bible, the certain man said, look and see... The bible says cast
your net on the right side of the boat; for me not being a fisherman (I am now a fisherman for Christ), I had no idea that casting a fishing net on the right side
was considered the wrong side of the boat.

Peter, by Faith, listened to the LORD, not to man or to man’s pragmatic ways,
and the net did fill with enough fish to almost sink the boat.
Oh that certain man, and mutual edification, for I thanked him in the name of JESUS, stating one day I will tell this story.

Book of John, Chapter 21 verse 6
6 And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall
find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes.

Iron sharpens Iron in mutual edification and the truth can not be bent,
especially in the times of the new millennium. The truth comes through, even in
visions and dreams and the truth say-er brings forth Iron.Today the Certain man in the
bible stands to direct the one who hears and the one who listens, looking through the bible, you have noticed the phrase certain man!? Certainly LORD!

I saw the certain man direct Joseph the son of Jacob and the Grandson of
Abraham, formerly known as Abram, who is Father of the Covenant with GOD,
our Nation of Christians, whether believed of Bloodline or of adoption. Jacob the father tells the son Joseph, in the first book of Moses known as Genesis,
(chapter 37) to keep his dreams to himself. Joseph, not listening, would tell his dreams to his brothers again, who turned against Joseph to cast him in a deep
hole, the first prison. Joseph was saved out of the hole to go onto another prison,
which after many years would lead him to be the 2nd most powerful man in Egypt,
next to the Pharaoh. The gift to interpret dreams allowed him to rise from prison to
power, by interpreting dreams, which is to say listening to GOD. This gift to interpret
led Joseph to be troubled by man but to hold on to his dreams and the interpretation
of them, by Faith in GOD.

In reading this story, see the certain man lead Joseph into the trap his brothers would
set. Joseph having seen a certain man in the field, asking of him, have you seen my brothers? Yes! said the certain man, they went towards a certain town! casting him
towards the truth of his future. Speaking with Iron is a mutual edification of the LORD,
for even those who don’t listen will hear the LORD soon enough and even facing great difficulties, by faith, the Iron of the Gospel truth will stand against all manner of
deception. There is a certain man in your life, there is a certain man in my life, don’t
bother to look for him, he is an Angel Unaware to you, he will direct you and you will
follow, searching for something of importance. By Faith, let the certain man be GOD,
be JESUS, be the Holy Spirit of the LORD left behind at the Cross. The Crucifixion,
Blood and Water which the Comforter, our translator, translates as our concerns on
earth, even the desires of our heart to our Father who art in Heaven, that certain man.

Chosen, Beloved of JESUS, interpret these troubled times correctly with the Iron of
truth. Be receptive of and givers of, the Iron which is the Gospel Truth that JESUS is
Alive, Iron Truth, which can not be broken. Be mindful of mutual edification and the
love of JESUS, which will leave each party better off from the encounter done in
fellowship the true definition of the phrase "Iron sharpens Iron".

The enemy may appear Godly, again I say mutual edification. Peace; and be Blessed
to be a Blessing, a cup that runneth over...


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