There is a natural order of things, getting in line with the fierce urgency of now always presents a problem to the age old question of when? The most famous question of when is are we there yet? followed by expectancy and estimated time of arrival. Blowing in the when, are so many of my ideas for events, even this writing, which is approximately 5 months later than I expected to promote Mycybermap eTV and Film-works project, titled Praise On Down The Road. Praise On Down The Road was to accent Howard Anderson Jr., his lyrics, Spiritual testimony and several songs including the song titled The Wind. Praise On Down the Road was to be a well timed addition to a unique documentary film, Gospel music promotion and movie soundtrack.

When Howard Anderson Jr. became my client, it conveyed his confidence in my strategic promotion to spiritually enlighten people of Faith, and to inspire Faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ through music and lyrics, nationally and Internationally. Howard is a young Black man, a family man who bodily professes his love for God as a talented individual, with vibrant, unique musicology, which easily is a big win for my talent to Produce and Direct on several levels. The Wind, is the last song out of an extensive catalog of inspirational Gospel songs I would promote for this project. This project Blessed me in ways known and unknown, as I am sure the prior promotions and songs, have inspired and encouraged those who listened and those who read the stories.
 When the New Year came in things changed, as they do with creative's and with projects. Sometimes they don't get to completion, and this project is left unfinished, but the Spirit of it is in The Wind.
See this point as a lull in the wind storm of letters making thought from a promise made last year, a promise to write about the new song The Wind, when it was finished, the struggle is real to keep the promise, even several months later.

Blowing in the When, is a story of perfect timing and doing all things to the best of your abilities. This is the time for me, while in the middle of writing a book, while creating new opportunities to get beyond the shadow of doubt, to help my unbelief.

When is now!
even the fierce urgency of now , the time is  now, that needs to be recognized as the need to repent, the need to show courage through repentance.
When is now!
encouraging unction and volition to who knows who!  to do who knows what! but by God, there is no continuance, as The Holy Spirit blows inspiration into my mind in ways known and unknown, to assist me writing this story, as if spitting into the wind.

Wind by definition
Wind is caused by a difference in pressure from one area to another area on the surface of the Earth. Air naturally moves from high to low pressure, and when it does so, it is called wind. Generally, we can say that the cause of the wind is the uneven heating of the Earth's surface by the Sun.
When this story found me; by Spirit, it found me losing focus, losing the sense of accomplishment and favor I had at the inception. From whence came the Wind to write now, I don't know, I do know this story is a breeze blowing Glory to God. I could not see what I was doing while putting together this promotion, presenting my talents within this new client promotion was a design in what we believe, but we did Praise God.

Well, come on out of the boat of your perceptions of safety, walk towards your beliefs, says the wind, and walk towards the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 
Walk by faith, onto the waters of living praise, which is supposed to run like a river across your tongue, but when the wind blows, so goes my faith, blowing in the when.

Maybe this project sank, as did the disciple known as Peter, who began to sink in the wind storm of the bible story in the book of Matthew Chapter 14;v22-33, Oh Lord help me! is my cry!, which in-turn led me to write this story, which in-turn, crying out to the Lord did save Peter.
Peter did go on to be the very foundation of the Church, and I claim; after denial of my promise to write this story, this story written as proof, that by faith, we did Praise On Down The Road, and by Faith! is all that we do on earth, be to the Glory of God! Thank You Lord, for now is When.


  1. Thank you for your attention, please do play the song the wind and please click the link and thank you for allowing me to edit.


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