JUDGES form star chamber

The Devil is a Lie! and the Truth is not in him - Going to the Altar?, No! I am not going on Easter Sunday. Everybody will think I am a Hypocrite or putting on a show.
Regardless of what you wear, walking through the doors, just get there to the Altar, for JESUS is Love. Papa said Go! Mama said Go! And I will Tell you whoever you are, Save yourself! People of all sorts will Talk, The bible says beware of wickedness in High place, My Pastor taught me to check the Spirit by the Spirit, Repent for the coming of the Lord is on hand.
Reading and now seeing I charge you, you who has eyes to see, and ears to Hear, Get Thee Baptized, submit to the Holy Spirit - Get your Resurrection -

Thank You Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, The Prophet man, who, taking on our Sin and waking on earth as a man, gave his life so that we could have life on Earth more abundantly, And by Faith a life everlasting with King Jesus, Son of God, The Great I AM , that I AM !
Ascension from the Old rugged Cross, by Blood and Living Waters unto Resurrection, Resurrection Day, Easter Sunday, Hallelujah
TRUE SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP IS TRUTH, judgment is to be a mutual edification sin to sin. Not Bible verses thrown as curses for a people who don't study or ANYONE WHO WOULD change, book, chapter and words to sooth the liar.
Lead, follow or get out of the way, anything and everything does not go. Judge this, Men, keep your self
respect and your Manly pride. Least YE be Judged. I Love GOD do you love GOD.


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