Spiritual, Physical and Psychological MLK Day 2017

Let’s re-commit to the promised land that him, the great man relayed to us in a vision called, I Have A Dream. Black America has to come out from under the bed of emotional scars that have covered the wounds of American Slavery and 2nd Class Emancipation.
It’s time to re-open the Spiritual, Physical and Psychological wounds of the American African to re-apply the salve of Love, Mercy and Grace from the Lord; our Savior who Art in Heaven, JESUS Christ of Nazareth.
I learned from my Mother and Father that I am inferior to no one Black or White, bad things happen and will happen, don’t hate and keep my trust in the Lord. I have forgotten to honor the dream spoken of in the history shaping 1963 March on Washington DC. This is the dream where I learned and the World re-learned, to not judge people by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
Happy 88th Birthday to you, Rest-In-Peace; as the world sings the Great Stevie Wonder song Happy Birthday. I am drawn to the song “We Shall Overcome”, a song synonymous with the Civil rights movement and the beliefs of the Great man, Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Everyone can learn from the living history lessons of great sermons and Biblical teachings to hold on to your dreams and prayer. 
The memories of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ; Born in Atlanta Georgia on January 15th 1929, become greater with the addition of years in time. 
The birth-date; now a National Holiday since 1986, brings warmth to the World and to mid-winter cold temperatures which can freeze with the resolutions of a New Year. Have you carried self inhibitions into 2017? Self inhibitions are the rarest of birds that fly in the universe of creativity. The mind is a terrible thing to waste and now is the time to see clearly, and not in perceptions which lack faith, which stops growth.
No mental justice, no mental peace when you play gymnastic’s with the truth. 

The truth is you are equally empowering positiveness with negativity, which cause inhibitions and even leap-less faith. Let Freedom ring, when we let freedom ring in our minds the rest will follow  we all fall short of the perfection of JESUS Christ on earth as He is in Heaven and if you are this person, feeling the bitter chills of defeat and despair, 

 I come bearing GOOD NEWS! I’ve overcome inhibition to write this story. 
Now It is your turn. We shall Overcome…


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