Showing posts from 2019
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Notre-Dame de Paris Church built AD1163-AD1345 and a great present day tourist destination From the Bible, Burning heart, yearns to learn, a Truth only given to those who Pray to know the Truth, no matter which version you choose to read. The evil of the days after the death of the Innocent man, the perfect man, the Prophet man who stated he was the son of GOD. And having escaped death, not being found within the guarded tomb has confounded the wicked. He was dead now there be told he is living, as he said he would, he has rebuilt the church he tore down in 3-days. We preach The Risen Savior, We preach to the wicked, We preach to the naked, being naked by forsaking GOD, naked by denying the truth, naked to the Evil one and his band of deceivers, fake non-believers, the manipulator of knowledge - Oh surly you won't die by the knowledge of good and evil. Knowledge is given by the almighty Creator of all things, that man in his arrogance would teach man- by making the Word o...
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Flipping the script like Yavonovitch I go Secular with a Holy message but it came to me this way, to flip the Bible script my way, given to me. Remember what I told you to forget, a Word for the sleepers in Christ Jesus, you who don't know who you are, or who you are with. Call it a Non disclosure agreement but this one is made in the Blood of Jesus, Not only couldn't you tell it, but you didn't know you knew it. But when called, you hear the voice of the Lord as a Commandme nt from your Father, even you who are rebellious. You who are so grown, the Spirit of The Lord brings you to your knees in a desperate prayer, saying I don't know how to Pray. Now Remember what I told you to forget, Remember the Devil is a liar, Satan's truth to power cannot take you away from the power of Jesus. In the Bible you will find me in the book of Matthew Chapter 16v23 The Rock is human, The Rock is Peter, build the Church on the truth. Now Remember what I told you to f...
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The Sea Of Galilee Cast iron , when compared to wrought iron or steel is very brittle, comparatively hard and non-malleable. It can't be bent, stretched or hammered into shape, its weak tensile strength means that it will fracture before it bends or distort. A certain man took careful time to direct me to a truth I had not previously known, It happened within a casual conversation that men would have around various free flowing topics. The knowledge presented itself as Iron, we spoke of Apostle Peter, the disciple of JESUS and the appearance of the Spirit of JESUS after Resurrection Day. Peter and other disciples, including the one we know as doubting Thomas (Didymus) would go fishing all night, only to catch no fish. In the morning after, Peter did see JESUS on shore and we know the story of casting the fish net and the plenty fish that was caught, or at least I thought I knew. My heart stayed open, and the certain man would feed me knowledge of JESUS. I had begun to lis...
Certain Man
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Book EM! Dano! Mama! There Goes That ( Certain ) Man (Peace Minister Mark Jackson) LORD knows I want to keep it in my heart, almost bury it as my 1 talent. A friend tells me to write a book, but LORD I'm a Quest for Fire, now only quenched by living water, No.. waters of PRAISE. Hallelujah! Mighty Father, Wonderful Counselor (YES) Friend when I am Lonely (YES) and a POWER and EMPOWERING MAN, GOD WHO CHOOSES TO BE GOD to all, everyone and even ME! The Book written from me will come out in its time, as will the myriad of Dreams and Visions I am Blessed with. But don't Sleep, this little light of mine is shinning here on Facebook and throughout the social media stratosphere. Imagine that your perception of me is limited by your perception of me. IN supposition, if you can only see just past the tip of your nose, you will not perceive all of me. The LORD has affixed the eyes to see this writing by whom he directs, and there are minds eyes from around the World. Some wil...
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Between the Sheets the truth is uncovered Drunken Style, Dragon whips his Tail/Tale- In Honor of my upcoming 59th Birthday in 9 days, I will cut you some of My Minister cake, The way it was baked for me ( but you don't hear me and can't understand tho) Ham son of Noah Father of the land of Canaan, father of Canaan the man. I got it when it hit me like "Green Eyes and Ham", keeping the Covenant but breaking the law by covetous, but a dad's love for his son will always win, never 2nd class and I plead the 3-fifths. Don't go breaking my heart pretty green eyes. Uncovered In the Book, Genesis 9 says Ham, will be servant of my servants. I plainly say JESUS SAID HE THAT LEADS, WILL BE MY SERVANT. as such he that is last shall be first. The Lord is the giver of all knowledge, cut the cake, Peace Palestine Church of the Nativity Bethlehem Sugarloaf 1974 Green Eyed Lady
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Two stars on Mycybermap It was late in September, (Temptations style) the day I'll always remember. Do you remember September, (Earth, Wind & Fire) my Sermon title was, Just a touch of love and I did preach that, I even sang Pass Me Not,.Oh Gentle Savior. I was prepared and rehearsed To Preach out of Mark Chapter 8, focused on the Blind Man receiving sight, but it was my eyes that got blurry, my nose ran and I had to walk by Faith. I now call it the gift of gab, like King David in Psalm 34, I will bless the LORD at all times; his praise shall continually flow from my mouth, and then the Holy Spirit rushed in, I was overwhelmed but He held me and said preach to M e. I said LORD, let me turn away to blow my nose and He said trust me, if you turn from me now, you will turn from me again. I said no I won't turn, but He showed me that I would, and so I did not turn , I dabbed at my nose, and let the praise flow from my mouth. There was a blessing in that...
On One Red Accord
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The Straight And Narrow Road Paved By Jesus Christ Of Nazareth Looking to the hills from where comes my help, Ah who in who-ville, who do you believe, The Comforter; left behind from the old rugged Cross; Who do you talk to, when you talk, still looking at the Hills, it was me LORD talking to man of my Faith to impress you LORD, but not by my Faith in you. But like sugar, the taste of deceit; still bitter, became sweet, who can follow me, would hear my prayers now; still to the Hills, but my eyes have seen the Glory, of the LORD. No Need to guess, or to speak to impress, but leaning on the LORD and not my own understanding, or borrowing from a popular phrase,I now know, it is easier said than done. I now know to keep my head to the sky, the hills of the help I seek, not as a pleasing story teller, but for myself and I now encourage you who encourages, to lean not on empty words but to taste and see all understanding given, is given by the Spirit of the LORD. Who can comfort, b...
JUDGES form star chamber
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The Devil is a Lie! and the Truth is not in him - Going to the Altar?, No! I am not going on Easter Sunday. Everybody will think I am a Hypocrite or putting on a show. Regardless of what you wear, walking through the doors, just get there to the Altar, for JESUS is Love. Papa said Go! Mama said Go! And I will Tell you whoever you are, Save yourself! People of all sorts will Talk, The bible says beware of wickedness in High place, My Pastor taught me to check the Spirit by the Spirit, Repent for the coming of the Lord is on hand. Reading and now seeing I charge you, you who has eyes to see, and ears to Hear, Get Thee Baptized, submit to the Holy Spirit - Get your Resurrection - Thank You Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, The Prophet man, who, taking on our Sin and waking on earth as a man, gave his life so that we could have life on Earth more abundantly, And by Faith a life everlasting with King Jesus, Son of God, The Great I AM , that I AM ! Ascension from the Old ru...
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And on the 3rd day He did make them to look back towards the Cross, to see Jesus no longer on the Cross. The LORD, our Savoir JESUS Christ, gave up the Holy Ghost saying in a loud voice, Father !!! into your arms I command my Spirit. 3 days ago, and Alpha and Omega God does breathe on the water, children of God, sing. Wade in the Water Wade in the water Children wade, in the water God's gonna trouble the water Who's that young girl dressed in red Wade in the water Must be the children that Moses led God's gonna trouble the water Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, Let JESUS live in your heart, that the Son of man, the Great I AM THAT I AM would love you so much, that He would send his Only begotten Son to die on earth, that we who believe in Him, may live, each one of us to his or her measured talents. Look back towards the Cross, indeed seek the Cross and see what a friend we have in JESUS, who did lay down His life, Crucified on that rugged Cros...
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He was dressed immaculately from head to toe, this elder Black man in a charcoal color grey pinstripe 3-piece suit, he had style. We greeted each other with a quiet mutual respect, as we both were in the waiting room awaiting our business at hand; you can clearly see the measure of a man in the quiet of a waiting room, I was there to wait for love for duty and for Spirituality. Meditation comes easy in a quiet place and I began to meditate, falling into thought waves of life and death. I began a prayer request for strength to face the test I knew was coming and it came from a voice out of the ceiling, would the Creator of Life in Heaven be able to count on me here on earth, said the voice. I am a friend of God is a cute song but would I come through for this friend when I am needed the most. I am drifting off in the most peaceful state I have ever felt, my eyes were closed and then I heard the man in the 3-piece suit speak, he asked me in a gentle voice why was I in the waiting ro...
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3 Kings deliver the gifts of Love, Faith and Submission THE Epiphany Day It's my turn in the big league, getting my turn at bat, swinging for the fences and connecting, what do you know about that! Money, Power, Respect, first you get the money, then you get the power, and people will respect you! In the World of cash rules everything around me, (c.r.e.a.m) the art of value loses traction in perception. Mainly money seems to make worthless things valuable; for instance, does a very expensive bottle of wine have value due to the taste and quality, or is it just the price? Money rules, but money succumbs to the rules of supply and demand. (Store your treasure in works for the LORD, where their value is everlasting) Pay Caesar his tribute! and pay ME MINE!!! says the LORD, JESUS! Holy Bible Book of Mark Chapter 12: 1- 17 (14 - 17) KJV 14 And when they were come, they say unto him, Master, we know that thou art true, and carest for no man: for thou regardest not t...